Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Week 6 Favorite Name : Davenport Wright - 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks

I pick my 2nd great grandfather on my maternal side of the family DAVENPORT Wright.

Davenport we usually think of as a surname  and not a first name. We think of Davenport as a piece of furniture either a sofa or antique desk. It's a town in Florida as well as Iowa, California, Nebraska, etc. There is a college and university named Davenport in the USA. 

My Davenport is also a classic he was born February  1830 Long Island New York who was a bayman - clam digger (happened to end up as family occupation ) Raised a large family near the Beach on the Island. He passed away between 1918 and 1920 Last record I can find on him was for November 15 1918 when he ran away from the Almshouse and / Poorhouse. 

I hope to find out why he was given a last name as a first name .I haven't found any other family member with this first name so he's a most unique  and colorful member of my family so far.

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